Gummies for healthier and whiter skin? Yes, please!

When so many people tell you to love the skin you’re in, you may think that there is something wrong with wanting fairer skin. But there is none. Who are we to judge if you feel more comfortable and confident with being a shade or two lighter than your natural tone?

There are a lot of skin whitening options out in the market. It can be overwhelming to find which one will work and which one will not. Plus, not all of them can benefit your overall wellness, right? And besides, if no topical skincare products work on you, maybe the problem is from within.

If you are tired of going over trial and error and wasting hundreds to thousands of peso from buying skincare essentials, try these healthy hacks that will help you from the inside and give you a better glow on the outside:

Avoid dairy

Dairy, especially milk, contains lots of protein, hormones, and sugars that cause skin problems. For example, whey protein and hormones from cow milk promote inflammation in the skin, which is probably why your active acne is not going away.

As hard as it may sound, it would be best for you to cut out on the usual sugary, milky, and creamy food you enjoy. There are a lot of vegan alternatives today that you can indulge in without losing your sweet tooth. Your skin will thank you later.

Get enough sleep

Our body heals the best when we sleep. The same goes for our skin, hence, why we all need a night of beauty sleep

When you do not have enough rest, stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol increase, You can instantly see the difference on your face the next day. You will look dull, tired, and literally gray out of life because sleep deprivation decreases blood flow on your skin. That is also similar to why anemic people look paler.

Also, sleep boosts collagen production. And we all know how much benefit collagen offers to our skin. Why else would it be among the top ingredients in every skincare product? More collagen means fewer wrinkles and plumper skin.

So, if you want to get glowing and healthier-looking skin, go and get a night of beauty sleep.

Stay away from junk

Our body takes in so much toxicity every day, starting from our environment and down to the food we take. You may not know it because it is not too obvious, but unhealthy eating habits take a toll on your skin.

For instance, certain foods promote inflammation, so when you eat them, your acne can get worse. We are talking about sugary, fatty or oily, and salty foodsė—technically every junk food you can think of. But also, many Filipino foods are also not that great for our skin. Hello, chicken adobo in its oily, salty glamour.

But do not get us wrong, we are not stopping you from enjoying food. Just do not overindulge, okay? Eat a balanced diet; that is the key to literally everything.

Plus, experts recommend you incorporate foods rich in Vitamin A, E, C, and Zinc in your diet. These nutrients help regulate the skin’s regenerative cycle, create an inhospitable environment in your body for P.acnes, and reduces inflammation. Also, they are rich in antioxidants that fight premature aging, making you have a youthful look. 

VitaBears Skin Vitamins

What if you have too much on your plate? What if you want to sleep early, but you cannot because no matter how hard you try to manage your time, 24 hours is just not enough to finish through the rat race?

You can quickly get a dose of every nutrient you need to replenish your skin with a single gummy from VitaBears Skin Vitamins. These are collagen and glutathione gummies that have all the vitamins and minerals that help prevent and reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin by improving cellular growth and repair, exfoliate dead skin cells, and skin whitening—leaving you with blooming, glowing, and fairer skin.

The best part? You can have all those benefits for only P635 per bottle with 60 skin vitamin gummies inside.

The only way, as of now, to get yourself a bottle of this skincare supplement is through VitaBears’ official social media accounts, Shopee, Lazada, and their website. But do not worry. All of their products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is just that it takes a long process to get products on mainstream supermarket shelves.

Aside from giving you a fun way to enjoy your vitamins and get better skin, VitaBears vitamins for the skin are formulated in New Zealand. Meanwhile, the sourcing of the ingredients and their actual production materialize in South Korea, the land of the best skincare products. So, you can rest assured that you are only getting the best of the best and that they did not skimp on quality.

Even though you are taking skincare supplements, like vitamins for the skin, the best way to take care of your skin is still by taking good care of your health. And do not forget to take a bath every day—yes, even on cold rainy days. When you forget to cleanse the gunk out of the surface of your skin, your pores will get clogged, which will lead to irritation and acne. Vitamins can only do so much, hence do not forget to take care of yourself on the outside too.

Love yourself

Getting clear and fairer skin does not happen overnight. Even the top topical solutions can take days before results appear. So, when things may seem like they are not working, do not stop believing. Keep the faith, and eventually, you will get the result that you want.

Nonetheless, self-care and self-love, along with the right vitamins like VitaBears Skin Vitamins, will definitely lead you in the right direction to get the skin you are yearning for.

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